

 Relation Between Morphologic Changes in the Main Pancreatic Duct and Exocrine Pancreatic Function after a Secretin Test. 
Pancreas. 25(1):12-19, July 2002.
Osawa, Saori; Kataoka, Keisho; Sakagami, Junichi; Sogame, Yoshio; Kawasaki, Chizu; Takaoka, Kyojiro; Yasuda, Hiroaki; Takatera, Ami
ests are important in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.
Aim: To evaluate the usefulness of ultrasonographic monitoring of the main pancreatic duct after a secretin test.
Methodology: A total of 70 subjects (30 control subjects, 26 patients with probable chronic pancreatitis, and 14 patients with definite chronic pancreatitis) were selected. The main pancreatic duct diameters were measured serially after an injection of secretin (100 IU/body). The relation between the magnitude of the duct dilation and exocrine pancreatic function on the secretin test was evaluated.
Results: The main pancreatic duct dilated immediately after a bolus injection of secretin, showed a peak after 2-5 minutes, and recovered gradually. The response curve of the definite group had a flatter pattern than that of the other groups. For the maximal to basal duct diameter ratio, statistically significant differences were found between the control and definite groups and between the control and probable groups. In addition, the ratio correlated significantly with the maximal bicarbonate concentration and secretory volume on the secretin test.
Conclusions: The results of the current study indicate that exocrine pancreatic function and the morphologic changes of the main pancreatic duct are significantly related. Dynamic ultrasonographic findings may reflect pancreatic function; consequently, this test may be a useful tool in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.
2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Chymopasin, a Novel Serine Protease from Rat Pancreas. 
Pancreas. 25(4):378-386, November 2002.
Sogame, Yoshio; Kataoka, Keisho; Kato, Masato; Sakagami, Junichi; Osawa, Saori; Takatera, Ami; Mitsuyoshi, Mayuko; Usui, Noriko; Mitsui, Shinichi *; Yamaguchi, Nozomi *
Introduction: Pancreas secretes many enzymes for food digestion into the pancreatic juice. We cloned a novel serine protease, chymopasin, from rat pancreas.
Aims: To know the localization of this enzyme in the pancreas and to analyze the enzymatic characteristics.
Methodology: We cloned chymopasin cDNA using 3' and 5' RACEs. Northern blot and in situ hybridization were used to study the expression of this enzyme. Recombinant chymopasin protein produced by E. coli was analyzed by Western blot using specific antibody, and its enzymatic characteristics were examined using commercially available synthetic substrates, fibrin and gelatin.
Results: The open reading frame of rat chymopasin consisted of 792 bp encoding 264 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence contained the essential catalytic triad characteristic of the serine protease family. There was no putative N-glycosylation site. The amino acid sequence of rat chymopasin showed 54.5% identity to rat chymotrypsin B. Northern blot analysis showed that the transcript was strongly expressed in the pancreas. In situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probe showed that the positive signals were observed in the acinar cells, but not in the islet or duct cells. Chymopasin protein was detected in the pancreas homogenate and bile-pancreatic juice. Further, cerulein stimulated the secretion of rat chymopasin into bile-pancreatic juice.
Conclusion: These results suggested that rat chymopasin might be a digestive enzyme secreted from the acinar cells. From the enzyme assay using synthetic substrates, the purified recombinant chymopasin expressed in Escherichia coli showed chymotrypsin-like activity. In addition, rat recombinant chymopasin showed fibrinolytic and gelatinolytic activities. These results suggested a role in the pathogenesis of pancreatic damage.
2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

セクレチン試験後の主膵管における形態学的変化と膵外分泌機能の関係(Relation between morphologic changes in the main pancreatic duct and exocrine pancreatic function after a secretin test)
Author:大澤さおり(京都府立医科大学 消化器病態制御学)
Source:京都府立医科大学雑誌(0023-6012)112巻11号 Page872-873(2003.11)

Author:大澤さおり(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 片岡慶正, 十亀義生, 光吉繭子, 中林亜美, 臼井憲子, 川崎千都, 高岡京二郎, 保田宏明, 阪上順一, 他
Source:膵臓(0913-0071)14巻4号 Page368(1999.09)

Author:高岡京二郎(京都府立医科大学 医 第3内科), 片岡慶正, 加藤正人, 阪上順一, 保田宏明, 川崎千都, 大澤さおり, 中林亜美, 光吉繭子, 十亀義生, 他
Source:膵臓(0913-0071)14巻4号 Page351(1999.09)

Author:阪上順一(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 片岡慶正, 加藤正人, 臼井憲子, 十亀義生, 光吉繭子, 中林亜美, 保田宏明, 高岡京二郎, 大澤さおり, 他
Source:膵臓(0913-0071)14巻4号 Page356(1999.09)

【高齢者の肝・胆・膵疾患】 高齢者の肝・胆・膵疾患とその対策 膵癌
Author:加嶋敬(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 阪上順一, 片岡慶正, 十亀義生, 大澤さおり, 加藤正人
Source:老化と疾患(0915-1400)12巻2号 Page190-195(1999.01)
膵 癌
 わが国では, 膵癌の死亡者数は年々増加し, 現在年間 16,000 人を超えており, またその多くは高齢者である。 また, 膵癌は 100 人にひとりしか生還できないといわれるほど, きわめて予後不良の疾患である。 高齢者膵癌の特徴としては, 自覚症状に乏しいこと, 対症療法にとどめる症例が多いこと, 遠隔転移の割合が低いこと, 悪性度の低い膵癌の頻度が高いことなどがあげられるが, 膵癌切除例の比率は非高齢者と大差なく, 切除例の予後も非高齢者に比して遜色無いといえる。 近年, 癌検診受診比率の上昇や各種診断機器の精度の向上により, 高齢者の膵癌発見率が高まっているものと想定される。 しかし, その予後向上には大きな進展なく, 高齢者膵癌の診療にあたっては, 並存する疾患・臓器予備能の低下・術後管理の難度・社会的要因などさまざまな因子を考慮し, 各個の症例に応じたきめこまかい対策が必要となる。 
(加嶋 敬・阪上順一・片岡慶正・十亀義生・大澤さおり・加藤正人)

Author:八木田美保(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 片岡慶正, 大澤さおり, 他
Source:京都府立医科大学雑誌(0023-6012)107巻5号 Page521-527(1998.05)
Author:大澤さおり(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 他
Source:臨床成人病(0387-1231)26巻6号 Page738(1996.06)

Author:高島輝行(丸太町病院), 大澤さおり, 内藤英二, 他
Source:洛和会病院医学雑誌(1341-1845)5号 Page48-51(1995.03)

Author:大澤さおり(丸太町病院), 高島輝行, 内藤英二, 他
Source:洛和会病院医学雑誌(1341-1845)5号 Page25-28(1995.03)

Author:大澤さおり(京都府立医科大学 第3内科), 他
Source:膵臓(0913-0071)11巻2号 Page173(1996.03)
好酸球増多症を伴った巨細胞型退形成性膵管癌の 1 例
医薬ジャーナル1999年02月号(Vol.35 No.02)p34(572)~p43(581)